How it works

Step 1

First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account.
First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account.

First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account.

Step 2

First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account. First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders.

Step 3

First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account. First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account. First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account. First, Inventory Planner pulls all product information, sales orders, and purchase orders from your Orderhive account.

Key features

Lorem ipsum

Previsioni da IA

Connetti il potente motore IA di Intuendi direttamente nel tuo account di Exact

Suggerimenti Intelligenti

Suggerimenti di ordine proposti direttamente da Intuendi AI nel tuo account di Exact

Funzionalità avanzate

Con l’integrazione di Intuendi nel tuo account Exact puoi sfruttare le funzionalita’ avvanzate come distinte base (BOM), date di scadenza, ecc.

Getting started

Our step by step step for your integration
  • 1 - Step 1

    Testo per step 1

  • 2 - Step 2

    Testo per step 2

Daily Replenishment and Long-term Supply Planning with Intuendi AI

Learn how Intuendi AIbridges the gap between day-by-day replenishment and strategic supply planning. Plan for growth with Intuendi.